Chapter 1757 Gasification Sanqing Card

Mystery-like treasure refining. This is the feeling of all the strong people in the heavens and the world about the treasure refining of Jade Duxiu. Since the birth of Jade Duxiu, the treasure refining technique has shown extraordinary mystery. From the first south, the flaming flag was lifted off the ground. Later, the Tai Chi map and the Three Treasures all showed that Jade Duxiu was pure and refined, and the magical power of treasure refining was extraordinary.
At this time, it is even more shocking to see Pangu Zan in the hands of Jade Duxiu, who can’t say anything like this. This power is almost a blow from innate Lingbao power, but it is just an ordinary attack on the flag Zan.
"Miaoxiu, are you really going to die?" Worm God looked at the sweeping flag banners and his eyes were full of anger.
Jade Duxiu laughed coldly. Haven’t you ever heard of this sentence "putting out evil"? Thanks to your long life. "
With that, Pangu Zan has been carrying a powerful horse to row the ground, water, wind and fire, and instantly carrying all the power to suppress them.
The snake god’s golden body was broken, and the insect god’s divine light was once again cut in half by Yu Duxiu’s Pangu complications.
Jade Duxiu took out a green vine, which produced a palm-sized chaotic gourd.
"Today, you will be suppressed, and you will find a chance to erase it in the future." Jade Duxiu sneered repeatedly. The gourd sent out a powerful force and pulled it towards the snake god and the insect god. The Pangu banner banners kept scrolling back and forth, stirring up the true identity.
Seeing Yu Duxiu in the wild, I really want to suppress the powerful SIRS demon gods. I just can’t sit still. Now, if the race war is near at hand, if I can call the snake god, I will be suppressed and abolished.
"Brother Hung-chun, wait a minute. This snake god can’t suppress it." In the wild, a tiger catches the sun and tears the virtual arrival field, which instantly interrupts the jade show and gives it to the snake god breathing machine.
"Tiger god? You want me to do it right? " Jade Duxiu’s voice is cold, and there is a surge of chaos in the place where Pangu’s banner stands proudly.
Looking at the jade show, the tiger god’s scalp is numb. I am thinking about narrative, but I listen to the fox god’s sound. "The race war is close to the snake god, but it is the main force of the race war. Don’t waste it like this."
"Oh?" Jade Duxiu smiled and her eyes were cold. "What if I said I had to suppress it?"
Jade Duxiu’s face expression gradually disappeared, and a pair of eyes looked indifferent to the fox god and the tiger god.
"Then ask me if SIRS demon gods in the wild will answer or not." Like a god, he came out in a sullen way, and his eyes were frozen in a virtual moment, and he looked at Jade Duxiu with a sharp smile.
"Who else wants to stop? Just come out? " Jade Duxiu fingers gently stroked Pangu Zan flagpole. "I’m a wonderful show from the bottom of an ant, but I’ve never been scared."
After that, Yu Duxiu pointed to the wilderness in his hand. "Who else wants to stop it?"
"The three of us are enough," said Tiger God Nai.
"I really want to save this wolf god in my hands, but I have to see if you have the qualifications." Jade Duxiu smiled coldly for a moment, and Pangu Zan had waved out chaos and spread "creation"
This blow spreads a powerful force in chaos, and a strong will crosses chaos. Look at the eyebrows of SIRS Long Jun in the East China Sea.
"Ha, ha, ha, this snake god can’t be suppressed. If you want to suppress the snake god, you still need to ask about the meaning of the seat." Four dragons in the East China Sea rose to the sky, and five dragon balls in the middle domain turned into a light curtain, which blocked the jade show and Pangu Zan’s blow.
"Are there many people? Is it bullying? " Jade Duxiu looked at the strong people in the field and then looked at the fox god’s eyes. There was a flash of perseverance. "I was born in this vast world, and now I am immortal. I never know what it means to know that whoever follows me will never retreat even if I die in battle. If I retreat now, I would rather commit suicide in the heavens and the earth."
Jade Duxiu’s sound shook the eyes of the whole world and flashed across the road. Dozens of figures emerged behind them, and the innate immortal flashes were flickering. They were all strong people who had been channelized.
"Wonderful show, don’t struggle. No matter how strong you are, you will still be a worm if you don’t prove it." Fox God sighed gently
"One Gasification and Three Cleanses" Jade Duxiu smiled coldly for a moment and saw a HarmonyOS purple gas emerge behind him, which instantly changed three mysterious gases and then changed three figures, which actually made Jade Duxiu look exactly the same.
"I have seen many Taoist friends when I was being original." The Taoist priest smiled gently and stretched out his hand only to see that the seven-star sword in the 33 rd heavy sky was blossomed by the Taoist priest holding the starlight in his hand around the sword and singing softly.
"Measuring the Buddha being original is too clear to see many Taoist friends." It’s too clear to see a stroke of the palm of your hand, but a streamer flashes in the sky of thirty-three days, which instantly turns the immortal air flow of King Kong into a stalwart ratio.
"Being original, Jade Qing has seen many Taoist friends." That Jade Qing smiled gently and persisted in the three treasures.
Seeing that Jin Gangzhuo flew into the hands of the Taoist priest for nine days, everyone in the field was stunned and then silently thought about it. It’s just a ray of essence for the old gentleman. It’s normal that this treasure belongs to the Taoist priest.
"Is this the peak fighting power of Hung-chun?" At this moment, the heavens and the world are silent, and the demon gods are silent in the wilderness.
A jade show with three avatars can stand up to four strong people more than five, and six jade shows alone can suppress the whole world.
"Ha, ha, ha, wonderful show, although there is a contradiction, it’s my Terran friar who can’t watch him being bullied, isn’t it?" Grandfather followed the original king slowly to the field with his pike on his back.
Chaos clock sounded a burst of chaos in the field, but he saw that Yuan Tianzun’s figure appeared in the chaos. "If you want to be a great soldier, you need to pass me first."
"It’s not good. There are a few of us." Tiger God’s eyes rolled.
"No matter whether the insect god is like a snake god, it is indeed impossible to suppress it." In the wilderness, a virtual shadow covering the sun came to the field, and the Hubei god slowly showed his shape
"Say so much and do whatever you want, just do it. Let’s have a superior position in our hands, but we have never been afraid of anyone since we were born."


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