Chapter two thousand and twenty-four Can’t help myself
The meeting lasted for a long time before it ended. Many monks got up in succession and upon it. Behind them, the door was beaten with a low roar, and everyone followed away from here.
Xiao Yu eyes flashing after the door immediately as they walked toward the door.
"Where are you going to heaven? Come back with us to this experiment. We will continue to improve it and wait for the guidance of the Holy One."
Suddenly, a sound behind him made Xiao Yu’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled. He glanced back and his eyes flashed, "Okay, I’ll go back."
Behind them, a group of monks in white robes and cloaks came along. Xiao Yu followed them directly. After they left, the monks frowned slightly and swept the figure and eyes of the people. "It’s strange that I always feel that I have just sensed a very familiar smell. This smell seems to be concealed by something and I can’t see it clearly."
Clear this breath seems to be … "
One immediately eyebrows a wrinkly, "master, which person you feel this breath, I’ll take him away."
"No, I know where this man is. I’m going to have a look at their experiment. Wait until I finish what I’m doing before I see what’s going on."
The saint smiled slightly. His eyes suddenly looked at the two old men around him and smiled slightly. "If the two ancient ancestors are old, they will leave first."
The two old people hurriedly got up and replied, "The Lord of the Blessed Ones has come in person."
"You’re welcome"
The holy one smiled and turned and walked out of the hall with number one.
Xiao Yu followed the monks and walked straight along the cave. Soon he came to a laboratory and pushed a harsh light out of the heavy iron gate.
Xiao Yu eyes narrowed his face Gujingbo walked into the laboratory.
In this experiment, there are nine huge blood pools on the ground, and lotus flower is pouring out and bubbling.
In addition to these blood pools, there are many other machines in the distance. Those machines shine and float a lot of messy things, such as human heads, alien arms and angel wings …
Not far from these machines, there is a row of green light beams with forty or fifty channels, and each light beam is twisted and twisted, which contains many double spirals. Something is as mysterious as dragon ribs, and its face is surrounded by several runes.
On the other side of this laboratory is a huge light curtain, which traps many creatures and bombards them with an angry light curtain.
However, this screen is strange and unpredictable, and it is difficult for them to influence this screen by all kinds of crazy bombardment.
Xiao Yu eyes those people quietly swept back soon.
As soon as the white-robed monks arrived, they hurried to continue their work.
They are more excited than each other and seem to be full of expectations for the future.
It is a great honor that their experiments can stand out from many experiments and be valued by the saints! ? They have already seen their future being admired by many people.
"This experiment must be successful, and we must continue to improve our results quickly. We must wait until the arrival of the Holy One to get all the data in place!"
"We can’t let the saints worry too much, let the saints know that we also have great potential!"
They are more excited than
Suddenly someone noticed Xiao Yu eyebrows a wrinkly mouth drink a way "to heaven what are you still leng? What’s wrong with you if you don’t return to your post? Are you a little uncomfortable! "
Xiao Yu eyes flashing immediately walked to come over.
He came to a white-robed monk and suddenly smiled. "Where do you say the Saint’s Laboratory is?"
"The holy one laboratory? Why do you ask this? " ? The man’s eyebrows a wrinkly.
"Just asking, do you know?"
"Of course, I know the most core part of our Sansheng sacred world in the laboratory of the Holy One, but you can’t think about that area. Even many ancient ancestors can’t get in, so they won’t let us in."
The monk said
"Sansheng Shengjie?"
Xiao Yu frowned.
That’s a problem. He wanted to blend into the Saint’s laboratory and see if he could find a way to perfect the gene chain.
His laboratory is incredibly holy, and it is also the core part. Xiao Yu’s current strength root can’t do this step.
His eyes suddenly became gloomy.
"God, why do I feel that something is wrong as soon as you come back? We are too far away in the laboratory of the Holy One. This is not your problem. What you need to consider now is to improve the data, otherwise we can kick you out of our team at any time."
Suddenly a man said in a low voice
Xiao Yu’s eyes flashed and he suddenly laughed. "Can you guess if the Saint’s adult will move his laboratory to these six worlds?"
The monk’s face sank and said, "To heaven, it seems that you haven’t understood the words. When you take three breaths, go back to your post or get out of this laboratory."
Xiao Yuwei smiled and said, "I guess most of the saints will move their laboratories to the six worlds."
"Looking for death!" ? A mass of anger appeared in the man’s eyes, and he directly stepped in the previous step and slapped his hand toward Xiao Yu’s chest.
Everyone else watched all this silently and said nothing.
Xiao Yu was motionless, and the light flashed in his eyes. The monk immediately turned into a big body and lost control instantly, like a big hand holding his arm and making him forcibly turn to another monk by his side.
The monk didn’t say a word and hung his roots high. I didn’t expect the original shot to Xiao Yu’s palm to come to him instantly.
His face changed and he was about to stop it when he was hit directly by the palm force.
This strange palm hit his body instantly and directly destroyed all his vitality, making his body turn into a light spot on the spot and explode directly.
Everyone left was taken aback.
"Han Yu, what did you do?"
"You killed Lin Feng!"
The monk’s face changed, and he was surprised and angry. He slapped windson’s back and continued to rush forward towards another person.
When I went here, I continued to go to Xiao Yu as a bystander. I listened quietly here. These people’s experiments were crazy. This is to treat them as animals in The six great divisions in the wheel of karma. Even animals are not as good as blood. Genes are randomly disrupted, races are randomly matched, and their experiments are frenzied. Even Xiao Yu has an anger in his heart.
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步入金轮大厦SPA中心,首先映入眼帘的是优雅的接待大厅。柔和的灯光、温馨的装饰,让人瞬间感受到放松的氛围。热情的工作人员会为你提供专业的咨询和引导,让你在舒适的环境中,开始一段难忘的SPA之旅。 SPA中心拥有多种风格的按摩室,从温馨的日式风格到现代简约风格,满足不同顾客的需求。宽敞的休息区更是让人心情愉悦,在这里,你可以品尝一杯香茗,阅读一本好书,或是与好友闲聊,享受片刻的宁静时光。 金轮大厦SPA中心的技师团队经验丰富,技艺精湛。他们根据每位顾客的体质和需求,量身定制个性化的护理方案。无论是传统的中式按摩,还是现代的芳疗、热石按摩,都能让你在轻松愉悦的氛围中,舒缓疲劳,重拾活力。 在SPA中心,你还可以体验到丰富的水疗项目。温泉浴、水疗浴缸、桑拿房,以及各种水疗设备,如气泡床、水柱按摩等,让你在水中感受放松与舒适。同时,SPA中心还提供专业的面部护理、身体磨砂、足底按摩等,让你的肌肤焕发青春光彩。 金轮大厦SPA中心的环境设计独具匠心。宽敞的休息区、舒适的按摩床、优雅的装饰,无不体现着奢华与品味。在这里,你可以尽情享受专业的服务,感受来自心灵深处的宁静与放松。 此外,SPA中心还定期举办各类主题活动,如瑜伽、冥想、茶艺等,让你在享受专业护理的同时,还能学习到健康的生活理念。在这里,你可以结识志同道合的朋友,共同度过一段难忘的时光。 总之,金轮大厦SPA中心是一个集休闲、养生、社交于一体的都市绿洲。在这里,你可以尽情释放压力,享受身心的全面放松。无论是工作繁忙的都市人,还是疲惫的旅者,来到这里,都能找到属于自己的宁静与舒适。金轮大厦SPA中心,期待着与您共度一段美好的时光。