But most of the time, it’s still with him.

For example, there are swords and soldiers, as well as techniques.
Knife soldiers are rich in aura, but the secrets of martial arts may be that some fighters don’t want or wait for someone who is destined. Not only that, but there may also be Dan medicine
What is the name of Dan medicine called "panacea"? Isn’t it because Indan medicine is full of aura!
And the jade bottle or porcelain bottle of Dan medicine will reduce the volatilization of Dan medicine aura, but a large number of aura can be preserved for a long time
Especially some highly valuable panacea.
As the minutes passed, the audience was still quite patient.
After all, it has taken a long time. Why do you have to wait? What’s more, many fighters have gained some benefits, which is also a reason for many military commanders to continue to wait.
On the other hand, Wan Tao Wushu Association fighters are still very patient.
Especially Wan Tao, who is now the leader of this small circle.
First of all, he is the strongest among the presidents of various martial arts associations and military commanders in Shu. After all, he is a senior military commander. He has been talking to Gong Zheng about many things and has heard about it.
He is also a man who can make up his mind.
In the once "kill" Lin Diablo iii did not explain that military commanders have been excluded from the small circle at this moment, and the other party is a little self-aware and did not stay with Wan Tao and them.
While waiting, Wan Tao also remembered Yang Guang.
I wonder in my heart, "I don’t know where Yang Guang’s little place has gone and how it hasn’t appeared yet?"
Before Yang Guang left the Jack nife Temple with the knife slave, it really scared many people, but this big thing appeared again later, and there would be no idea to put Yang Guangshen.
Now it’s different. He’s worried about Yang Guang’s safety.
"Create, what are you thinking? That place seems to be erupting again. "But at this time, someone interrupted Wan Tao’s thoughts.
"Ah?" Wan Tao paused and then looked ahead, but at this, he suddenly cheered up.
Not only that, but he also hurriedly said to a group of brothers and martial artists, "Pay attention to the horse’s big eruption, maybe there are good things."
Wan Tao the words sound just fell and others have no idea to pay attention to him.
Because everyone thinks Wan Tao dialect is very reliable.
Many military commanders in the field have a premonition of "happiness from heaven"
Near Nielong Cave
Seven Wuzong-level bosses maintained the stability of the Jack nife Sect site.
Of course, it is obvious that the aura eruption of Jack nife Zong site is naturally sensed, but the feeling of the outside world is still a little vague. After all, there is still a terrible "world gap"
However, it is obvious that aura fluctuation is a method to conceal Wu Zong.
Wu Zong has already learned about the fluctuation of aura.
It should be a gift from the ancient ruins to the "outsiders"!
Chapter three hundred and sixty-seven Fight for
"I don’t know how many things they got inside. It’s really a bit of an expectation." The mouth is the clan family, so please stay in the old age.
Although he looks like a bad old man in general, he still looks forward to the benefits brought by the aura eruption.
After all, if it’s good for Wu Zong, they also have a share!
Don’t say it’s him, even the old Taoist priest in Longhushan is not the same!
Everyone wants something good from the ancient ruins.
After all, it is more difficult to make a breakthrough at the level of Wu Zong.
But at this time, they obviously felt that there was a strong aura in the world where Jack nife lived.
Even more horrible than that reiki dragon
"Hurry to protect the barrier that was broken by that huge aura!" And from the fighters trade union since hurriedly shouted and they didn’t have the slightest idea of paddling.
Directly do your best to maintain it.
Nine times out of ten, that aura will bring down Jack nife Sect, so it will definitely do more harm than good to the fighters living in the world of Jack nife.
Not only that, once the small world of one side is broken, the consequences are really unpredictable, which is almost a devastating blow to the surrounding human beings.
This aura is completely different from the aura when the world changes.


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