
He reacted in an instant, and then he saw that the figure of the old priest and the king of Zhou was actually stepping on a stone bridge, like coming from the other side, which was a taboo group.
And there are finely handle virtual shadows in their center, which seems to be undergoing some changes and being forcibly changed.
Originally, this world’s Ziwei Club was gradually revealed in the competition between hidden stars and stars, but the taboo ethnic group was eager to master some of the four imperial handles and forced Ziwei to change from hidden to real and fell into their camp in order to regain control.
Li Yu saw the reason and looked away again. It was not brought by taboo ethnic groups, but was similar to strangling the Weihe River. But it seems that the focus is not on the couple, but on the contrary, they want this media to hand out the robbery!
The goal is yourself!
The goal of hijacking gas is that these extraterrestrial products will behave like this?
"Is this the reason why they can’t accept the quotation? There are many things that hinder each other, but I don’t think it’s true that ancient history is still covered with fog."
Li Yu stepped out again and stared at the broken body of that big hand, which also enveloped the past in this moment.
When the hijacking gas shuttled by with the help of blood arrival, he moved to gather the two true spirits and take them away from this node.
The entangled robbery gas was stripped off when the new material of all living beings’ blood was put into reincarnation.
Although The six great divisions in the wheel of karma collapsed, anyone who holds a fortune teller or a decree can go through reincarnation and reappear, but reincarnation has also been imbued with robbery, so be cautious to prevent any changes.
Li Yu also felt the message left by Qi Lao in the historical process, which was a change of words in meeting.
"It’s not difficult for me to come back from my own reincarnation."
He immediately sent the true spirit and blood of Wei Shuihou couple into artificial reincarnation for them to reproduce.
After the job was done, the cause and effect dispersed, which made Li Yu feel comfortable both physically and mentally. Even the things were seen and some of them had special opinions.
In the next few days, he will clear up and travel around the world of mortals to deepen his obsession. If he wants to break the illusion, he needs to jump into it first.
And he went into the grave to suppress the throne of Grey Moon, and his record of intercepting the thrones alone was also praised and shocked all the people.
This is really a rare big deal. After Luo Tian’s throne, he suppressed the Grey Moon throne, and even several thrones were intercepted by him, which made the foreign strong people unable to help but marvel.
"The war of not falling is a rare event in history, and the defeat of not falling is a big change, let alone being suppressed is a big event."
"To the throne can gain an advantage over the enemy is a feat; Nowadays, it is possible for Xiangguo to suppress the two thrones! "
Soon the kings will be boiling up. They can know a lot at this level, and naturally they can’t help but wonder whether a new king will be born.
The king of the ethnic group is not an ordinary position, solemn and sacred, and it needs to make contributions to the ethnic group and be recognized by the thrones to achieve it.
It can be said that this position has not been sealed since Archaean. If it is raised in this era, it will be the first time that it has been more brilliant.
In a flash, a hundred years passed, and Li Yu, a person from Shuanglong Island in China, traveled quietly and thought about many things, such as the future road robbery and the growth of others and me.
It is not easy for me to quickly grow into a quasi-immortal emperor, but he also has special ideas. For example, the future generations of heaven and earth jointly recommend the heavenly emperor to directly achieve the quasi-immortal emperor’s fruit position
Then what is bigger than it? The immortal emperor is probably impossible, but there may be hope for the quasi-immortal emperor. However, Li Yu thinks that the pattern is still small, and he turns his attention to offering sacrifices to the sea.
It’s unrealistic to want to adjust the power until the sacrificial ceremony, even the immortal imperial city will be lost, but it’s also very good that he can integrate the reincarnation erection with the help of the ancient underworld and use it as Styx as a new mansion.
But this is the aftertaste, and the main thing is that there are too many ancient worlds in it. If you can recommend it, even if you can directly create a statue of the immortal emperor, it is possible, but it has long been sacrificed, and even ghosts are not left. There is no such possibility.
It is always more difficult to think of ways not to slide; Li Yu thought of a simple method, Li Xiandi. They can reflect the heavens, but it would be easy to resurrect the ancient world if they didn’t reflect the creatures at the same level. However, considering that it is too vast to sacrifice to the sea, it is obviously impossible for an Xiandi, which requires a lot of effort or time-consuming.
But it’s okay if the years don’t reflect all the time in reincarnation. Anyway, it takes more time for the immortal emperor to die. But the creatures reflected are different. It is natural and easy to localize the ethnic groups in Ren Huang and let them recommend the throne.
After this, the ancient world can also be merged into the Great Wall of Wan Li, the immortal dynasty. Eternity can be said to serve multiple purposes.
After all, it is also a strange ethnic group that has worked hard for several generations, regardless of hardships and great disasters, to come out to offer sacrifices to the vast sea. He can’t bear to watch the waves there, so he will harvest and rebuild it.
However, there is a problem that cannot be avoided, that is, the strength of offering sacrifices to the sea can be mobilized. Even if he integrates reincarnation and engraves the bad fairy patterns, he will have to be immortal to try it, and it will be left for tomorrow.
Sacrificing to the sea is no good. There is a boundary sea!
First, we can set up the samsara, connect the world, the sea and the ancient world, and improve this point. If we don’t fall into the throne again, we can verify it first. After all, it is enough for even the quasi-fairy emperor to cross hundreds of thousands of years to raise a body.
"The road ahead is light, merciful and merciful."
Li Yu couldn’t help smiling when he figured out all kinds of passes. This is a measure of merit for helping the world and getting rid of it.
On this day, the king of Zhou came from the historical process to express the hope that he would go to Mount Tai.
It’s an ancient meditation place, and it will be held there when important events are going on in the field.
In an instant, the world turned upside down, and he came to a special node in the ancient years to escape from the world.
"The mountain is bigger than mogu."
This is that Mount Tai is the most authentic evaluation of it, and it has been regarded as the birthplace of all things throughout the ages.
This special node of offering sacrifices to heaven presents a magnificent and unpredictable mountain form. At first glance, it has no margin. It has blocked this long river area, towering into the causal star, and the universe is like dust. The substantial traces have been precipitated one by one, forming a ring of gods around the mountain.
The old story of closing the Zen can also be said to be a prosperous future. Perhaps the past engraved the future, perhaps the future branded the past, and few people know its true origin.’
Remembering that Qi Lao had been secretive, Li Yu couldn’t help but think of the emperors who closed the Mount Tai in the memory of later generations. He shuttled through the white fog and walked in front of the mountain, and a magnificent altar stood there like ideal city.
There are five-color jade tables on the altar, which are colorful and blooming brightly. The goddess Xia is like a water wave, where the flowing surface is full of sacrifices. At first glance, the sacred objects are illusory and distorted, which fills the air of the past and the future, like the long river tour and sacrifices are all here.
Ancestor worship! Sacrifice to heaven and earth!’ At the same time, the ancient ancestors’ sacrifice videos came from the time when they crossed.
In the past, this land has been worshipped by all the creatures in the sky, and it has been sacrificed by many ethnic groups in the world.
Here, King Qi of Zhou had already appeared at the altar with tribute and saw that Jiuding was slightly shining, and a statue with inexplicable lines lit up like a sign.
"It’s good that you’re here. Recently, even the two thrones in the town are imposing and once made three changes, it’s enough to contribute.
Zhou Wang’s ritual sacrifice to the ancestors of the ancestors responded and approved that you would be crowned king and held in Taishan. "
The old priest came to tell the good news that the ceremony of sealing the king will be held to celebrate being king.
What can be widely recognized is not only his strength and achievements, but also the contribution of the ancestor Jiang Shang, which made the ancestors remember and want to see Weishui flourish again. Adding to the past, in the past, there was also a king of Wen pulling a cart to predict Zhou Chaotian, and now it is also a reincarnation.
"During this period of time, you will feel that there are also things left by the Zen Buddhism in the past."
Zhou Wang, for a moment, also had some regrets. Seeing Ziwei now, he associated himself with the original King Wen, Jiang Shang, who also had a long history.
The ceremony of sealing the King’s Hall is something that has never happened in Archaean. If you want to catch up with the new moon, you can see it in the Great War like the Great Flood, Yin and Shang Dynasties.
Li Yu’s mood has some ups and downs, too. That’s the leader of the real king group
At that time, it was still an unattainable position, but now it is about to achieve something, and it is really time flies.


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