If we put another article, the problem may run aground.
In the ocean language, they can not only directly pass on the problems they encounter and secrete pheromones to other colleagues for solutions.
It is also because almost all scientists here can immediately carry out mathematical operations, chemical experiments, biological knowledge calculus deduction by themselves.
Tang Chuan had earlier thought that it was absurd that this article had almost jumped to the level of literature in just a few decades.
After all, Blue Star has spent tens of thousands of years without even touching the threshold of Grade 9.
But once in contact, Tang Chuan thinks that these guys can’t develop rapidly. That’s strange
Because these guys have part of the characteristics of Gao Wei-wen from the beginning, that is, the information is communicated, most of them seduce the fighting, and the whole article is like physical luck.
This is different from dimensionality reduction for low-level material literature.
This is a horror story.
Chapter 294 Genes make it.
When he really came into contact with the ocean language, Tang Chuan changed his mind. Although people’s culture developed, even the land language could not be supported. Because of racial talent, it was almost inevitable that such a group would prosper once it developed.
On the other hand, it is commendable that the land language can be traced back to the boundary point by the ocean language, so that various means can barely follow the footsteps of the ocean language.
And Tang Chuan, who was able to come here aboveboard without being detected by the marine language, was naturally assisted by the terrestrial language.
They helped Tang Chuan and others to cover up their identities, and the identity of innocent alien tourists easily passed the marine entry examination.
Twenty years ago, Mr. Truth brokered and reached an agreement. It can be said that the Super Team has pinned most of its hopes on Tang Chuan, the predicted savior.
All this is because Mr. Truth was always the spiritual leader of the Super Team until many years after his death, and his words remained the motto that digital gentlemen followed all their lives.
However, although the battle was a game and farce for Tang Chuan, after all, whether he lost his head or his body was as painful as losing a nail, he could recover in an instant.
Even Nockton’s overdraft limit several times contains some meaning that Tang Chuan wants to test and train himself as the number one younger brother.
But when the situation comes to that, Tang Chuan can’t easily compromise.
In the end, he reached an agreement with the super team, which can be described as an unequal treaty completely biased towards his side.
First of all, you bullied my little brother so badly that you have to give him back to me after all.
As a result, it was Mr. Truth who sacrificed part of the truth to save resources twenty years ago to solve this problem, and Nocton was saved completely.
In addition, Tang Chuan also talked to Mr. Truth several times over the past twenty years. The dead and great man did show some qualities that Tang Chuan appreciated.
But it’s not over yet. Enjoy it, but you can’t eat it.
Tang Chuan’s condition is very straightforward, that is, when everything on this planet is settled, not only will the part of the goods be taken away by himself, but half of Mr. Lucky’s truth will also need to be handed over to himself.
For such conditions, the super team naturally hesitated.
If the truth about Brotta emerges, can most of the goods be kept characteristic or not? Besides, it really took most of the resources and energy of the Super Team to collect those things.
But the power of truth is different. This is that the energy level is above all the power of receiving things. After being divided and cut several times, can this power still fight against the suppression of the fiend by the No.3 base?
But it is precisely because of the ultra-high energy level that it is the only force that can still be perfectly moved outside the planet Brotta after the test.
The surplus, whether it is a fiend or a world eliminator, will lose its great attributes if it leaves the planet Brotta, and some energy levels will be directly reduced to things.
It is also the power of truth that is the most precious wealth in the land language. The master can not only have great power, but also warn future generations in the long river of time.
Especially when the two languages are at war, now the land language is gradually being pulled apart by the ocean language. Once the truth is lost, the world may collapse.
This is the super squad. Everyone doesn’t want to see it.
For example, when the physics industry encounters some technical problems, it needs mathematical operation, chemical knowledge support and a certain understanding of biotechnology.
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步入金轮大厦SPA中心,首先映入眼帘的是优雅的接待大厅。柔和的灯光、温馨的装饰,让人瞬间感受到放松的氛围。热情的工作人员会为你提供专业的咨询和引导,让你在舒适的环境中,开始一段难忘的SPA之旅。 SPA中心拥有多种风格的按摩室,从温馨的日式风格到现代简约风格,满足不同顾客的需求。宽敞的休息区更是让人心情愉悦,在这里,你可以品尝一杯香茗,阅读一本好书,或是与好友闲聊,享受片刻的宁静时光。 金轮大厦SPA中心的技师团队经验丰富,技艺精湛。他们根据每位顾客的体质和需求,量身定制个性化的护理方案。无论是传统的中式按摩,还是现代的芳疗、热石按摩,都能让你在轻松愉悦的氛围中,舒缓疲劳,重拾活力。 在SPA中心,你还可以体验到丰富的水疗项目。温泉浴、水疗浴缸、桑拿房,以及各种水疗设备,如气泡床、水柱按摩等,让你在水中感受放松与舒适。同时,SPA中心还提供专业的面部护理、身体磨砂、足底按摩等,让你的肌肤焕发青春光彩。 金轮大厦SPA中心的环境设计独具匠心。宽敞的休息区、舒适的按摩床、优雅的装饰,无不体现着奢华与品味。在这里,你可以尽情享受专业的服务,感受来自心灵深处的宁静与放松。 此外,SPA中心还定期举办各类主题活动,如瑜伽、冥想、茶艺等,让你在享受专业护理的同时,还能学习到健康的生活理念。在这里,你可以结识志同道合的朋友,共同度过一段难忘的时光。 总之,金轮大厦SPA中心是一个集休闲、养生、社交于一体的都市绿洲。在这里,你可以尽情释放压力,享受身心的全面放松。无论是工作繁忙的都市人,还是疲惫的旅者,来到这里,都能找到属于自己的宁静与舒适。金轮大厦SPA中心,期待着与您共度一段美好的时光。