What kind of terror? Iron pipe firearms, terror, individual soldiers holding firearms, terror, army advancing, that kind of argument, all laws, shaking the sense of deterrence.
Powerful, powerful, unshakable, powerful and powerful. This is their intuitive feeling.
Su Xiancheng had a lot of ideas in his heart after listening to it, but he was the first to arrest and kill these routed troops on the grounds that they were still in trouble when they ran away from the battlefield.
Later, he publicly said that Chen Gu’s failure was due to underestimating his enemy, because he was too proud and complacent, too eager to win simply and completely, and was surrounded by the army because of carelessness and finally died.
Although the army is strong, the South Vietnamese army is not against them. The main reason for the failure is that Chen Gu underestimated his enemy and did not obey his orders.
The mistakes are all Chen Gu’s, and our army is not as strong as we thought. Don’t panic, everyone. Everything can still be recovered.
Through the propaganda force in the army, Su Xiancheng tried his best to appease the morale of the army and appease the generals, but he had some bad feelings himself. After careful consideration, he wrote a secret letter to Li Tianzuo in Shenglong City for people to secretly give it to Li Tianzuo.
The letter is simple. He believes that the South Vietnamese court has seriously misjudged the strategic situation of the country and seriously misjudged the combat capability of the army.
Chen Gu’s ability is clear to him. According to the story of the defeated soldiers, he also knows that Chen Gu tried his best to struggle to the death, but he died in the end.
Not only in the army’s unpredictable new firearms, but also in the army’s powerful hand-to-hand combat capability, which directly shows the health of the soldiers.
Although I don’t know anything, it is obvious that they are not affected by climate and epidemic diseases and still maintain a considerable degree of strong combat effectiveness.
The south Vietnamese army confronted the powerful fighting capacity head-on
He has now decided that lang son will launch a tough and persistent battle with its existing military strength and terrain. If there are problems in this persistent battle and he can win by other means, then Li Tianzuo must be prepared to evacuate from Shenglong City.
From lang son to Shenglong City, it’s too dangerous for Ma Pingchuan to be able to fight the army in the field.
Su Xiancheng doesn’t want to do this, but he has always been cautious and told him that it is very necessary to do so.
After the secret letter was sent out, Su Xiancheng began to make every effort to lay out the defense and strive to win a defensive war in lang son. At worst, it will be delayed until the military logistics are exhausted. We must never lose lang son or the foundation of South Vietnam will be shaken.
However, his idea was dashed after he arrived in lang son from the army and launched an attack.
Chapter 1371 South Vietnam has no trial and error.
After Zhao Yucheng led his troops to lang son, he realized that the terrain here was very beneficial to defense but not to attack. According to the reconnaissance, the hills and other high positions can effectively resist the army’s attack.
And if the army doesn’t pull out their strongholds, it will be difficult to break through lang son and move on.
There are obstacles everywhere, pitfalls and traps everywhere.
Faced with such a situation, Zhao Yucheng felt great emotion.
"If we look forward to the past dynasties and see this situation, we will have a headache for a while, and then people will pile it up. If we pile it up in South Vietnam, it will be over, that is, we can be grateful that there is not much rain now, otherwise this thing will not be easy to do."
Zhao Yucheng sighed with emotion that great technology is changing with each passing day and that there is no heavy rain in the fair weather.
So the army pushed the artillery and began to bombard a stronghold and pull it out.
If you don’t think it’s efficient, you should use it with Raytheon guns. Anyway, it’s a long-range strike to open the way for firepower, and hit the South Vietnamese army stronghold to the nearest point. Don’t rush forward.
Anyway, Zhao Yucheng just said a word
"Give the old boom! ! !”
On the first day of the war, the army killed three strongholds of the South Vietnamese army. On the second day, it killed six more, and on the third day, it killed seven.
There is no movement in the artillery, Raytheon artillery, etc. There is no movement in the artillery. The infantry forces the musketeers, bring up the rear, the long gunners and the sword shield hands are mainly responsible for harvesting. Although it is an offensive, according to this attack mode, it will not hurt if the army takes a South Vietnamese army stronghold.
The South Vietnamese army instantly became a king in a pot, and he couldn’t run away or fight.
For three whole days, the South Vietnamese army turned into a passive beating, but the number of casualties on the other side kept advancing and gradually occupied some important strongholds in lang son.
On the fourth day, when the army was pushing guns and holding Raytheon guns to prepare for fire coverage, the South Vietnamese army, a stronghold, finally couldn’t help it. They rushed to the mountain in droves and tried to launch a strong attack on the foot of the mountain.
Hand-to-hand combat troops charged, and the crossbowman rushed and shot at the same time, trying to suppress the army’s fire with bows and arrows and beat the army off guard.
The army immediately responded, and the knife and shield held the first line of defense arrows, and the musketeers followed closely, raising their muskets to ignite and silently waiting for them to rush to the crowd, then closing their eyes and pulling the trigger.
There was a loud noise, and white smoke rose in front of the army to form a white smoke belt and rushed to the crowd. The South Vietnamese soldiers were beaten by lead and bloody pieces.
After three rounds of musket shooting, the knife-shield hand and the long gunner pushed forward to harvest the South Vietnamese soldiers who were still alive, injured and not dead.
Finally, conquer that stronghold.
Thirteen soldiers in this stronghold were intact, one soldier was shot in the arm by an arrow, and four soldiers twisted their feet, and no one died.
The active attack stronghold is this field.
The army fought all day and met three active attack strongholds, and all the results were the same. The method broke through the saber shield hand defense and caused damage to the soldiers behind it.
In the end, our army lost its stronghold, and few people were captured by the army.
The rest are still some soldiers who stick to their strongholds and don’t go out to be covered by fire. After a round, the soldiers who came to South Vietnam could not bear the attack. The infantry was annihilated by the Ministry or collapsed and surrendered.
On the fifth day, it rained when Zhao Yucheng was ready to attack.
Although it didn’t rain much, Zhao Yucheng didn’t send troops to let the army focus on the moistureproof work of gunpowder and matchlock to prevent gunpowder and matchlock from getting damp.
Chen Gu was at least a valiant soldier and an expert. He fought many battles on the battlefield, and Su Xiancheng relied heavily on him. Now he is dead, and the army is wiped out, and the kitten is crying about the cruelty of the army.
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步入金轮大厦SPA中心,首先映入眼帘的是优雅的接待大厅。柔和的灯光、温馨的装饰,让人瞬间感受到放松的氛围。热情的工作人员会为你提供专业的咨询和引导,让你在舒适的环境中,开始一段难忘的SPA之旅。 SPA中心拥有多种风格的按摩室,从温馨的日式风格到现代简约风格,满足不同顾客的需求。宽敞的休息区更是让人心情愉悦,在这里,你可以品尝一杯香茗,阅读一本好书,或是与好友闲聊,享受片刻的宁静时光。 金轮大厦SPA中心的技师团队经验丰富,技艺精湛。他们根据每位顾客的体质和需求,量身定制个性化的护理方案。无论是传统的中式按摩,还是现代的芳疗、热石按摩,都能让你在轻松愉悦的氛围中,舒缓疲劳,重拾活力。 在SPA中心,你还可以体验到丰富的水疗项目。温泉浴、水疗浴缸、桑拿房,以及各种水疗设备,如气泡床、水柱按摩等,让你在水中感受放松与舒适。同时,SPA中心还提供专业的面部护理、身体磨砂、足底按摩等,让你的肌肤焕发青春光彩。 金轮大厦SPA中心的环境设计独具匠心。宽敞的休息区、舒适的按摩床、优雅的装饰,无不体现着奢华与品味。在这里,你可以尽情享受专业的服务,感受来自心灵深处的宁静与放松。 此外,SPA中心还定期举办各类主题活动,如瑜伽、冥想、茶艺等,让你在享受专业护理的同时,还能学习到健康的生活理念。在这里,你可以结识志同道合的朋友,共同度过一段难忘的时光。 总之,金轮大厦SPA中心是一个集休闲、养生、社交于一体的都市绿洲。在这里,你可以尽情释放压力,享受身心的全面放松。无论是工作繁忙的都市人,还是疲惫的旅者,来到这里,都能找到属于自己的宁静与舒适。金轮大厦SPA中心,期待着与您共度一段美好的时光。